Welcome to The Porshanality Podcast! A curiously sermonic podcast playground for adulting over 30. Because let’s keep it real, life will keep life with swift transitions, but together we can honor the moments we are in and keep on living. I am your host, Porsha Williams Gates. I’m an entrepreneur, coach, ordained minister, spiritual advisor, writer, and more. Join me weekly on Wednesdays as we grow and live together in community.
Fall is here ya’ll! The AWARD-NOMINATED Porshanality Podcast is back! I hope you had an enjoyable Summer season. I surely did. This Summer was filled with Beyonce’s RENAISSANCE Tour and your girl was one in the number. But Beyonce isn’t the only won having a renaissance. The Black Church is in desperate need of a renaissance and a total makeover as gender bias and exclusion do not reflect the heart of God. All of this and more on the episode.
As always, I thank you for listening. Here are ways to support and engage this Podcast
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Website: www.porshanality.com
Email: porsha@porshanality.com
PRODUCTION CREDITS This podcast is hosted, edited, and produced by Porsha Williams Gates of Porshanality Media, LLC. Featured Music with licensed permission:
Composed by Sarah Debnam
Produced by Sarah, the Illstrumentalist
Release date February 24, 2023
Back In My Bag, Again
Composed by Anthony Lobban, Dillon Heera, Daniel Jacobson
Produced by Daniel Jacobson
Release date January 27, 2023
The Porshanality Podcast is the premiere curiously sermonic podcast playground for adulting over 30. Hosted by Porsha Williams Gates. Porsha Williams Gates is an ordained minister, coach, entrepreneur, spiritual advisor, and more. Join us weekly on Wednesdays for new episodes on Spotify, Apple, SoundCloud, and Google Podcasts. Topics range from relationships, marriage, culture, politics, friendship, parenting, finding self-love, joy, hope, spirituality, adulting, peace, business, and anti-racism.
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